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For Parents and Families

At Colorado State University, your student’s health and well-being is our utmost concern.

Below are several resources that can help you support your student at CSU:

  • New Student Checklist – be aware of the health-related tasks required for all incoming CSU students, including immunizations and health insurance
  • Parent & Family Programs – a wealth of resources and support, including The Hub, an online newsletter for parents and family members of CSU students
  • HIPAA, Privacy and Confidentiality – if your student is 18 years of age or older, CSU Health Network cannot release any information without the student’s consent, even to parents. Click the link to learn more.
  • Using Health Insurance at CSU Health Network
  • Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs
    • Drinking issues are a growing concern on college campuses nationwide, particularly for first-year college students. New students often feel an amazing amount of independence during their first year in college. You may find your student testing boundaries and exploring new beliefs and behaviors. Sometimes, however, they are unaware of the consequences of their decisions. Talk openly with your student about attending parties, alcohol and drug use, sexual decisions, safety and peer pressure. Although these conversations can be tough, they are extremely important. Families have more influence than they realize when it comes to students making positive decisions about such life situations. There are several important things to consider when approaching this topic:
      • The transition from high school to college provides parents with an optimal time period to talk to their student.
      • Research shows that the impact of such discussions, just prior to starting college, leads to lower alcohol consumption during college students’ first year.
      • Further, these talks lower the risk that students will experience serious alcohol-related consequences.
  • Conversations that make a difference